Monday, September 17, 2007

Why do I Blog?

For the past week and a half I have everyone asking me why I created a blog, why do I waste my time, why should they care? Let me first tell you what's not the case.

It's not because I have to much time on my hands. It takes 15 minutes to create a quick blog, post it with a photo and link it up to a few other sites. It's not because I have nothing better to do and it's not because I think my opinion is more important than others.

The reason is simple to why I blog and why millions of others do the same - my wife finds sports, fantasy sports and my rants and tirades boring.

Let's face it, when I wake up excited on Sunday morning, turn to my wife and ask if I should start Jamal Lewis or DeShaun Foster today; do I really want her to start breaking down all the reasons as to why there is no way in the world that I should start Lewis? This blog is where I can let my words be heard and sometimes even get some feedback from others that agree or disagree with my opinion.

Taking this a step further, I ultimately really don't want my wife responding to my sports tirades. There are some guys out there that are looking for a woman that can talk sports with the best of them. Not me! Not at all! In fact, the last person in the world I want to discuss how Big Ten football is better than Pac Ten football, is with my wife. It's just not attractive to me. Women going crazy in sports bars over a particular play because they think it's traveling is actually one of the most unattractive things a woman can do in my book. Don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with a girl in a sports jersey, someone showing their hometown pride, talking sports in generalities, or celebrating a big win, but when it comes to the details and long discussions, I greatly appreciate the silence.

Does this make me sexist? When it comes to talking sports, sure. But it is what it is. I blog so that I can vent frustrations or share my thoughts on different topics (mostly sports) and not have to worry about a dead silence from my wife after a 5-minute tirade on why the Steelers will roll into the playoffs this year. And most of you actually agree with me. If you didn't, you would be religiously attending WNBA games, Women's College Volleyball and Women's Pro Softball events.

Give me a girl with a book or magazine at a ballpark any day and I'll just keep on bloggin'. I started Lewis against Cincy by the way.



Anonymous said...

If a WNBA team in a desert wins a championship, does anybody notice? Apparently not...

Anonymous said...

Umm...Pac 10 football is far superior to Big 10 this year.

blue_alto said...

Mike, this is a fine example of one of the many reasons we're not married (go Brownies!)

Brandon said...

Swope, I can totally visualize you turning to Sarah for fantasy football advice and the look she'd give you... funny stuff! Nice job starting jamal.