Friday, September 28, 2007

This Just In - US Athletes Heading to Canada

Who would have thought this day would ever come. The day that Canadians look down at America and say to themselves, "Let's take a weekend to Chicago or New York, the currency conversion is great for us." That day has come and to think just 10 years ago I was taking weekend trip after weekend trip to Windsor, Niagara Falls and Toronto and getting $1.36 for every $1US. Today I'd get $0.99.

It's not just the housing market folks. The credit market is a mess and the dollar is weak, so weak that come holiday time in a couple months, travelers will be coming to the US from all over the world to shop in our cities, because this is where things are most affordable and the savings can pay for their flight.

How will the sports world be impacted? Only time will tell, but I know of many an athlete that wouldn't consider heading to the Blue Jays, Raptors or the Expos of old. $10MM just wasn't $10MM up north. Will athletes soon be looking down on the US saying the same?

I don't expect it to happen, but in this day and age of player and ownership greed, I wouldn't be surprised.


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